速報APP / 生活品味 / Your Baby and Toddler

Your Baby and Toddler





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



聯絡地址:Zinio Systems, Inc. 575 Lexington Ave New York NY 10022-6102 United States

Your Baby and Toddler(圖1)-速報App

Your Baby’s mission is to empower and support parents of babies and toddlers to make informed parenting choices and be confident, positive parents. The magazine does this by providing essential content that is relevant to the life stage of both baby and parent, focusing on topics such as basic care, health, nutrition and development. It also understands and focuses on the new mother and provides accurate and relevant information about her body, her mind and her changing family life. The information is essential and relevant, truly reflecting the reality of motherhood.

Your Baby and Toddler(圖2)-速報App

Your Baby and Toddler(圖3)-速報App

Your Baby and Toddler(圖4)-速報App

Your Baby and Toddler(圖5)-速報App